One of President Trump’s first actions has been to keep his promise on stemming uncontrolled immigration. Democrats and the liberal media have been in a total meltdown, even though Trump’s actions only temporarily limit immigration from nations chosen by Barack Obama.
Now, the media – using the excuse of ‘rising xenophobia’ instead of just recognizing that we have a new administration that values national security and adherence to actual laws – suggests that illegal immigrants are self-deporting… to Canada!
Shortly after President Trump’s election, chief immigration adviser Kris Kobach predicted that illegals will realize “it’s getting hard to disobey federal law, and may leave on their own.”
The Los Angeles Times scoffed at the notion, saying “the self-deportation option is not terribly realistic.”
This Drudge headline suggests otherwise:
Reuters reports:
Refugees in the United States fearing a worsening climate of xenophobia in the wake of a divisive U.S. presidential campaign are flocking to Canada in growing numbers.
Manitoba’s Welcome Place refugee agency helped 91 claimants between Nov. 1 and Jan. 25 – more than the agency normally sees in a year. Most braved the freezing prairie winter to walk into Canada.
“We haven’t had something before like this,” said Maggie Yeboah, president of the Ghanaian Union of Manitoba, which has helped refugees get medical attention and housing. “We don’t know what to do.”
A temporary restraining order by a U.S. judge of President Donald Trump’s executive order that blocked nationwide the implementation of key parts of the travel ban has provided a reprieve for refugees trying to come to the United States.
But Canadian advocacy organizations are bracing for a greater influx of asylum-seekers, driven in part by the contrast between the ruling Liberal government’s acceptance of Syrian refugees in Canada with Trump’s anti-foreigner rhetoric.
Canada has strict immigration policies similar to those of the United States – including a requirement to contribute to the national economy.
The official Canadian immigration page maintains a refugee category, but targets people who have already been displaced “outside their home country,” and not those who just want to move from their home country to Canada.
Harkening back to Kobach’s statement, it truly is “getting hard to disobey federal law” under the new administration.
And that’s exactly the point. It isn’t racism, it isn’t xenophobia, it isn’t Islamophobia – it’s adherence to the rule of law and respect for a nation’s sovereignty that is driving the President’s efforts to tighten border security, while still maintaining America’s high-level of humanitarian aid and comfort.
Read more at the Political Insider